Rolls-Royce signs exclusive engine deal

Rolls-Royce has signed an agreement to be the exclusive engine provider for an enhanced version of the Airbus A350-1000 aircraft.

Rolls-Royce will supply the new higher thrust version of the Trent XWB, incorporating new high temperature turbine technology, increased engine core size and advanced fan aerodynamics.

The engine will be specifically designed for the Airbus aircraft it will power, the A350-1000. The higher thrust will offer significant benefits in design and systems integration, reducing fuel burn, lifecycle costs and environmental impact, Rolls-Royce said.

The higher thrust version of the Trent XWB is scheduled to run for the first time in mid-2014 and is expected to enter service in mid-2017.

Commenting, Mark King, president of Rolls-Royce Civil Aerospace, said: "Trent XWB engines currently on test are proving to be the most advanced civil aero engines in the world today. The higher thrust variant of the Trent XWB incorporates further innovations from our Advance 3 technology demonstrator programmes.

“Many of the technological and performance improvements of the higher thrust Trent XWB will also be used to enhance performance of other members of the Trent engine family."

Fabrice Brégier, Airbus’ chief operating officer, added: "We are delighted to announce that together with our partner Rolls-Royce, we will develop and produce an enhanced A350-1000 aircraft with outstanding payload and long range, the best economics, and 25 per cent lower fuel burn and CO2 emissions than its nearest competitor.

"This will unequivocally assure the A350-1000's position as the most efficient aircraft in its category."

Currently six Trent XWB engines are being tested, with flight testing scheduled to begin later this year. More than 1,100 of the engines have been ordered by 36 customers, making it Rolls-Royce’s fastest selling Trent engine.

London, UK-based Rolls-Royce supplies more than 500 airlines, 4,000 corporate and utility aircraft and helicopter operators, 160 armed forces, and more than 2,500 marine customers in nearly 120 countries, with an installed base of 54,000 gas turbines.

The company employs over 39,000 people in over 50 countries.